Sunday, May 18, 2008

Useful Links to ME!

These links have been very useful to me! They help me while searching for some information and examples of investigatory projects.

eXamPLeS oF iNvEsTiGaToRy pRoJeCtS
-I found this site as I was searching for some ideas to research. The projects were once studied by other students. There information has been very useful.

FrEe sCieNcE FaiR pRoJecTs
-I've known this link while I was in an investigatory project in third year high school. The projects are simple but they can be helpful too!

sCiEnCe pRoJecT iDeaS
-Also gives ideas about investigatory projects! They are categorized according to subjects and level.

wHaT maKeS a GoOD pRoJecT?

iNTrODucTorY GuiDe FoR eXPeRimENtaL pRoJecTs
-These links are from; You can find other helpful tips and ideas too!

I hope these links help you! ~Sharing is loving!~ AhoOy!!

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